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We visited this beautiful property on a perfect, still, sunny autumn morning.

We started by walking quickly seawards hoping to find Emu Wrens in the heathland beside the clifftop track at the end of Hurst Road.

Group in heathland


However we were diverted on the way by a variety of small birds such as Rufous Whistlers, and several Honeyeaters, including Easter Spinebill.

 Rufous Whistler

Rufous Whistler


Eastern Spinebill
Eastern Spinebill


At Hurst Road we walked quietly through the heathlands to no avail, but enjoyed seeing beautiful blossoms on some low-growing Ironbarks, Eucalyptus tricarpa further on beside the main path.

Ironbark flowers
Ironbark flowers

On our walk back, some of it through Grass-trees Xanthorrhoea, we had a good sighting of a Grey-Shrike-thrush, and quick views of a Black-headed Cuckoo-shrike and Brown-headed Honeyeaters.

Grey Shrike-thrush
Grey Shrike-thrush


Walking back


A distant raptor created discussion but, with help from Margaret Lacey’s photos, we decided it was Whistling Kite. An expert later confirmed this. Morning tea in the garden of the house was heavenly… thank you Bill and Jenny

Below are all the birds identified:

(H) heard

1.Whistling Kite
2 Crimson Rosella
3 Laughing Kookaburra (H)
4. Superb Fairy-wren
5. White-browed Scrubwren
6. Striated Thornbill
7. Brown Thornbill
8. Spotted Pardalote
9. Eastern Spinebill
10. White-eared Honeyeater
11. Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
12. Little Wattlebird
13 Red Wattlebird
14 Crescent Honeyeater
15. New Holland Honeyeater
16. Brown-headed Honeyeater
17. Black- faced Cuckoo-shrike
18. Golden Whistler
19. Rufous Whistler
20. Grey Shrike-thrush
21. Grey Butcherbird
22 Australian Magpie
23. Pied Currawong
24. Willie Wagtail
25. Grey Fantail
26. Little Raven
27. Silvereye
28. Welcome Swallow

Ellinor Campbell
Photos by Margaret Lacey