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Five hardy souls set off in cold and showery weather around the three Aireys Inlet Settlement Ponds.  However regular bursts of bright sunshine, a rainbow, and very little wind turned it into a mostly pleasant and good birdwatching day with 30 birds identified (full list at end of report).

Getting started

Getting started – all photos by Ellinor Campbell

From the far side we had a lovely clear view of the ducks on the still water, and were able to study their special characteristics and size differences.

View from the other side

View from the other side

The large handsome Shelducks stood out from the mid-sized Hardheads and Black Ducks, and the smaller, plainer Grey Teals. Finally, there were the small fluffy  chittering Australasian Grebes. An unusual sighting for this location was a Great Egret, with its whiteness standing out in the sunlight.

Lots of ducks

Lots of ducks

Distant fluffy Grebes

Distant fluffy Grebes

We were somewhat disappointed by the lack of bush birds in the trees and shrubs around the ponds.



However this was made up for by good views of three of our colourful robins. A special delight was having a male Flame Robin precede us along one shore of the main pond displaying his superb orange/red chest, and clarifying for us his differences from the male Scarlet Robin. Also, after hearing many calls from Fan-tailed Cuckoos, we finally had a good sighting of one hopping along old Grass Tree spikes.

Nearly back

Nearly back

Two big swans

Two big ones

Elllinor Campbell

Below are all the birds identified on this walk:

  1. Musk Duck
  2. Black swan
  3. Australian Shelduck
  4. Grey Teal
  5. Pacific Black Duck
  6. Hardhead
  7. Australasian Grebe
  8. Eastern Great Egret
  9. White-faced Heron
  10. Eurasian Coot
  11. Horsefield’s Bronze-Cuckoo
  12. Fan-tailed Cuckoo
  13. White-throated Treecreeper.
  14. Superb Fairy-wren
  15. White-browed Scrubwren
  16. Striated Thornbill
  17. Spotted Pardalote
  18. Eastern Spinebill
  19. White-eared Honeyeater
  20. White-naped Honeyeater
  21. Golden Whistler
  22. Australian Magpie
  23. Grey Fantail
  24. Willy Wagtail
  25. Little Raven
  26. Magpie-lark
  27. Scarlet robin
  28. Flame Robin
  29. Eastern Yellow Robin
  30. Welcome Swallow