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Breamlea and Ocean Grove 12 March 2011

Here are some pictures of people on the bird walk. After that there are some photos of some of the birds seen (all photographs taken by Margaret Lacey), followed by a list of the birds identified:

Breamlea bird walk

Breamlea bird walk

Breamlea bird walk

Breamlea bird walk

Here are some photos of the birds seen on the walk (all photographs taken by Margaret Lacey):

White Ibis

White Ibis

Blue-winged Parrots

Blue-winged Parrots

Double-banded Plover

Double-banded Plover

Red Wattlebird

Red Wattlebird

Hooded Plover and Red-necked Stint

Hooded Plover and Red-necked Stint

Red-necked Stints and Red-capped Plover

Red-necked Stints and Red-capped Plover

Royal Spoonbill and White Ibis

Royal Spoonbill and White Ibis

Singing Honeyeater

Singing Honeyeater

White-faced Heron

White-faced Heron

Below are all the birds identified on this walk:

  1. Black Swan
  2. Australian Shelduck
  3. Pacific Black Duck & family
  4. Grey Teal
  5. Spotted Dove
  6. White-faced Heron
  7. White Ibis
  8. Royal Spoonbill
  9. Brown Falcon
  10. Double-banded Plover
  11. Hooded Plover
  12. Red-capped Dotterel
  13. Red-necked Stint
  14. Crested Tern
  15. Pacific Gull
  16. Silver Gull
  17. Blue-winged Parrot
  18. Superb Fairy-wren
  19. Yellow-rumped Thornbill
  20. Brown Thornbill
  21. Singing Honeyeater
  22. Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
  23. Red Wattlebird
  24. New Holland Honeyeater
  25. White-fronted Chats
  26. Willy Wagtail
  27. Australian Magpie
  28. Grey Fantail
  29. Little Raven
  30. Magpie-lark
  31. Silver eye
  32. Welcome Swallow
  33. Common Starling
  34. Common Mynah