Over one hundred and ten species of orchids have been listed by Angair for the Anglesea district. This of course does not include the many hybrids that may be observed from time to time in the field.
The taxonomy we have adopted in our previous listing follows A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria 8th edition (Walsh & Stajsic 2007). The recently released (2014) VicFlora is the definitive online resource to the plants, fungi and algae of Victoria. and replaces this Census document. VicFlora identifies a few name changes that affect the Anglesea orchids. This is disappointing, but it must be remembered that as scientific research continually improves, some changes are inevitable.
The most disappointing is the loss of one of our endemic orchid species Small Coastal Leek Orchid Prasophyllum sp. aff. odoratum E. This together with Dense Leek Orchid Prasophyllum sp. aff. odoratum F is now included in the general term Scented Leek Orchid Prasophyllum odoratum.

Small Coastal Leek Orchid
The other relevant change is that the Brown-clubbed Spider Orchid Caladenia phaeoclavia is now included with Small Spider Orchid Caladenia parva.
Purely name changes: Musky Caladenia Caladenia gracilis is now known as Caladenia moschata. Yellow Onion Orchid Microtidium atratum returns to Microtis atrata and Small Duck Orchid Paracaleana minor returns to Caleana minor. Plain Caladenia Caladenia sp. aff. vulgaris becomes Caladenia vulgaris.
If you are interested in accessing VicFlora the link is: http://data.rbg.vic.gov.gov.au/vicflora/
Margaret MacDonald