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The February bird walk was delightful in every way…a  glorious day and  two beautiful locations ( Point Impossible and Minya winery).


The bird numbers were down from previous visits to these locations, but this was compensated for by a couple of  unusual bird sightings.

A Double-banded Plover at Point Impossible had us guessing, and we were all excited by a Wood Sandpiper at Minya…a new bird for most of  us.

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

We were disappointed that there was no sign of Hooded Plovers on Breamlea beach, but dogs off -leash  would have  killed off any Hoodie chicks.

The morning was finished in style with coffee on the deck at Minya, overlooking the delightful billabong.

Minya group

Ellinor Campbell

Below are all the birds identified:

1.  Chestnut Teal

2.  White-necked Heron

3.  White-faced Heron

4.  Australian White Ibis

5.  Nankeen Kestrel

6.  Purple Swamphen

7.  Eurasian Coot

8.  Red-capped Plover

9. Double-banded Plover

10. Black-fronted Dotterel

11. Masked Lapwing

12. Common Greenshank

13. Wood Sandpiper

14. Red-necked Stint

15. Crested Tern

16. Pacific Gull

17. Silver Gull

18. Galah.

19. Red-rumped Parrot

20. Blue-winged Parrot

21. Superb Fairy-wren

22. White-browed Scrubwren

23. Brown Thornbill

24. Singing Honeyeater

25. White-plumed Honeyeater

26. Red Wattlebird

27. New Holland Honeyeater

28. Dusky Woodswallow

29. Australian Magpie

30. Willy Wagtail

31. Little Raven

32. Magpie-lark

33. Silvereye

33. Welcome Swallow

34. Tree Martin

35. Common Starling

36. Common Mynah

37. Red-browed Finch

38. House Sparrow