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acianthus pusillus
Orchids in July Orchids

Orchids in July

The Mosquito Orchid, Acianthus pusillus, is appearing now in open forests, woodlands and coastal heathland in areas where there is a cover of leaf litter.…
9 July 2019
tiny greenhood
Orchids in May Orchids

Orchids in May

Yes, we have had some rainfall since our last orchid report, but certainly not enough to encourage our autumn orchids to produce flowers in large…
30 April 2019
parson's band
Orchids in April Orchids

Orchids in April

Disappointingly the orchids have not appeared again this month due to the very dry conditions. Just two Parson's Bands, Eriochilus cucullatus, have been found during…
15 April 2019