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Correa sp.aff. reflexa (Moggs Creek) Image: Gail Slykhuis
Flora notes Plants

Flora notes

Moggs Creek has been hiding a secret. Confined to a small area of heathland on the ridge between Moggs Creek and Fairhaven is a localised…
28 June 2024
Red Ironbark flower
Flora notes Plants

Flora notes

What a wonderful autumnal show we have been having along the coastal cliffs with the massed, dangling pale-orange tassels, or catkins, of the male Drooping…
7 June 2024
White Correa
Flora notes Plants

Flora notes

In coastal areas spreading bushes of White Correa, Correa alba var. alba, are displaying their white flowers with four spreading petals. White Correa In our…
3 May 2024
Silver Banksia
Flora Notes Plants

Flora Notes

The middle of autumn is normally a quiet time for flowers, and this year's ongoing dryness has particularly discouraged new growth. However our one indigenous…
3 April 2024
Sweet Bursaria
Flora Notes Plants

Flora Notes

In our coastal heathlands it has been wonderful to see so many bushes of Ixodia, Ixodia archillaeoides subsp. alata, with delightful clusters of small vivid…
1 March 2024
Sea Box flowers and berries
Flora Notes Plants

Flora Notes

Time seems to be ‘out of joint’ for our plants as well as us. Spring flowering plants such as the low-growing guinea-flowers, the Silky Hibbertia…
2 February 2024
Common Everlasting
Flora Notes Plants

Flora Notes

This month the white flowers of several tall bushes are a feature, two being quite widespread. Prickly Teatree, Leptospermum continentale, has masses of five-petalled flowers, and…
1 December 2023
Snow and Dusty Daisy-bush
Flora notes NewsPlants

Flora notes

Some of our white daisy bushes are really starring at the moment. Profusely flowering bushes of Dusty Daisy-bush, Olearia phlogopappa var. phlogopappa, and Snowy Daisy-bush, Olearia lirata, look very…
16 October 2023
Common Hovea
Flora Notes Plants

Flora Notes

Our heathlands are alive with the colours and scents of spring. Along the clifftops the fragrance can be almost overpowering. Many bushes are covered in…
1 September 2023