Animals of the Painkalac Swamp and Dunes
Read about the fascinating creatures that call this unique ecosystem home.
Presentations and documents
Visit this page to explore a range of surveys and reports regarding the flora and fauna of the Painkalac Valley.
2017 Painkalac Creek Ecological Vegetations Classes (EVC) map
Small version
Original size (note: extremely large file)
2010 Painkalac Creek Ecological Vegetations Classes (EVC) map
Small version
Original size (note: extremely large file)
2005 Painkalac Creek Ecological Vegetations Classes (EVC) map
Small version
Original size (note: extremely large file)
1996 Waterbirds on a small estuarine wetland – a six year study
Bird species and numbers on a small estuarine wetland in south-western Victoria were recorded for six years from 1990 to 1995 inclusive. Observations were made by telescope at least once daily and the maximum number of
birds was recorded each half-month. Note was taken of the water level. Some seasonality and a preference for low to medium water levels was shown. This permanent wetland is important for its aesthetic value, as a foraging area
and as a refuge in times of drought.
Pest control
The pestSMART website provides best practice information on how to plan, manage and improve pest animal control programs in Australia. There are lots of useful resources for learning about and developing a community management plan for:
The following documents could be adapted to be used for pest (e.g. fox, feral cat) control:
Guidelines for preparing a working plan to manage wild dogs
Working plan to manage wild dogs
The Rights of Nature
Some interesting articles and a video that may encourage us to think about nature possessing an inherent, fundamental, and inalienable right to exist and thrive and how we might give nature a voice and rights:
Granting legal ‘personhood’ to nature is a growing movement – can it stem biodiversity loss?
We’re the world’s first company to put Nature on the board. Here’s why…
Speaking of Nature: Finding language that affirms our kinship with the natural world
What would happen if the environment was recognised as a legal person?
It’s only natural: the push to give rivers, mountains and forests legal rights