2024 Land Managers

Painkalac Land Managers
Map Legend
Purple = Surf Coast Shire freehold title
Unshaded black hatched = Crown land for which Surf Coast Shire is the appointed committee of management
Green hatched = GORCAPA managed Crown land
2017 Painkalac Valley Conservation areas
Land management and flood overlay
Small version
Original size (note: extremely large file)
VCAT decsions
2020 VCAT Bridge over Painkalac Creek decision
1999 VCAT ruling re combined Landscape and Conservation Management Plan
1998 VCAT ruling re subdivision
The Painkalac Project
The Painkalac Project sought to secure and regenerate a major area of remnant wetland in the Painkalac Valley between the existing nature reserves on the lower creek and Old Coach Road.
2017 The Painkalac Project Valley detailed description
2016 The Painkalac Project Vision
2016 AIDA commissioned land valuation 23-79 Bambra Road