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2018 Walking the Painkalac Concept Feasibility Plan draft Report
Stafford Strategy was engaged by Surf Coast Shire to undertake a concept and feasibility plan  for the development of walking trail experiences within the Painkalac Valley at Aireys Inlet.

2018 Painkalac Conservation Management Plan fencing extract
A plan and map of permanent fencing of wetlands and remnant vegetation in the Painkalac Valley

2015 Aireys Inlet to Eastern View – Planning for the Future Background report summary
Aireys Inlet to Eastern View – Planning for the Future seeks to prepare a new Structure Plan for the towns to guide future land use and development to ensure the low key coastal character, natural values and distinct qualities of the towns are preserved and enhanced for current and future generations of residents and visitors. It will look into housing, community and recreation facilities, environmental protection, commercial development and tourism, and infrastructure requirements to plan for and respond to community needs and aspirations.

2015 The Aireys Inlet to Eastern View Structure Plan
The Aireys Inlet to Eastern View Structure Plan has been prepared to guide future land use and development to ensure the low key coastal character, natural values and distinct qualities of the towns are preserved and enhanced for current and future generations of residents and visitors. It provides an overarching vision and supporting principles for future development and sets directions for housing, community and recreation facilities, environmental protection, commercial development and tourism, and infrastructure requirements to plan for and respond to community needs and aspirations.

2014 Corangamite Waterway Strategy 2014-2022
The purpose of this Corangamite Waterway Strategy 2014-2022 (CWS) is to provide a framework and regional work program for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA), in partnership with other agencies, industry and community groups to maintain or improve the condition of rivers, estuaries and wetlands so they can continue to support environmental, social, cultural and economic values.

2014 Corangamite Waterway Strategy Public Consultation summary report
This report summarises the one month public consultation period for the development of the Corangamite Waterway Strategy (CWS) 2014 – 2022. It covers the activities that occurred, key feedback that was received and the key changes that were made for the final CWS.

2010 Painkalac Creek Fire Management Plan
The Fire Management Plan was commissioned by Surf Coast Shire Council to assist with developing fire management approaches to balance community safety with protecting the reserve’s natural assets. This Plan updates the 2000 Plan, drawing on current emergency management, fire ecology and biodiversity policies and approaches.

2009/10 Painkalac Reservoir upgrade

2009 The Painkalac Report PEMPIC
This report details the actions taken to implement the 2004 Painkalac Estuary Management Plan.

2006 Surf Coast Shire Environmental Management Strategy
This strategy adopts a holistic approach to environmental management. It is a broad ranging document affecting all business units within Council, the wider community and other local authorities that have management responsibilities within the Shire. There is also clear intention by Council to ensure all Council decisions and activities are not done in isolation, but consider regional, statewide and national priorities, while always working in partnership at the local level to address local issues.

2005 Correspondence relating to Wetland trail proposal
Response by Ros and Tim Gibson to GORCC’s proposal to establish the Painkalac Creek Wetland Trail.

2005 Painkalac Estuary Management Plan
The Objectives for the Painkalac Estuary are to:

  1. Restore and protect native flora and fauna and instream habitats.
  2. Achieve a standard of water quality and quantity that protects the diversity and abundance of aquatic ecosystems and allows recreational and aesthetic enjoyment of the estuary.
  3. Minimise estuary sedimentation and erosion caused by the effects of human activity in the catchment and along the riverbank.
  4. Identify, acknowledge, respect and protect the Aboriginal and European heritage of the estuary.
  5. Encourage and provide facilities for appropriate recreational use of the estuary and catchment while maintaining ecosystem viability.
  6. Maintain the quality of the visual experience of the natural landscape from the waterway and from catchment vantage points.
  7. Minimise the social and economic impact of flooding while maintaining ecosystem viability.
  8. Encourage community participation in estuary management and activities and share information with the community on the values of the estuary.

Actions to meet these objectives are detailed in Chapter 4 of this Plan – Protecting What People Love: A List of Things To Do.

2002 Surf Coast Shire Endorsed Landscaping Plan
A management plan for areas of revegetation within a new rural residential area at Aireys Inlet.

2000 Allen Noble Sanctuary Landscape Concept Plan
In December 1999, the office of Murphy Design Group Pty Ltd, Landscape Architects, was commissioned to prepare a landscape concept plan for the Allen Noble Sanctuary. The purpose of the plan is to provide a site planning framework which will guide restoration and development of the Sanctuary.

2000 Allen Noble Sanctuary drawing from Landscape Concept Plan
Drawing of the Allen Noble Sanctuary including species list of plants.

1978 Painkalac Creek Dam – A proposal for proclamation prepared for consideration by the Land Conservation Council
This report has been prepared on behalf of the Land Conservation Council, to advise Council members of the state of the catchment, and to recommend proclamation under the Land Conservation Act and the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act. Includes details of the proposed dam, geology, topography, soils, vegetation, climate, land tenure and use, water quality and hazards to the water supply.

Other Plans and Strategies

Aboriginal Waterways Assessment Program Report
The Aboriginal Waterways Assessment (AWA) project tested and adapted a Ma-ori-originated water assessment tool to suit Traditional Owners’ needs and preferences in the Murray–Darling Basin. The purpose of the project was to develop a tool that consistently measures and prioritises river and wetland health so that Traditional Owners can more effectively participate in water planning and management in the Basin.

Victorian Government Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act

DEECA Nature Positive Plan
The Nature Positive Plan aims to provide a full response to the Samuel Review of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The plan includes stronger laws designed to repair nature, to protect precious plants, animals and places. It also aims to reform national environmental laws1and establish a new Environment Protection Agency. The plan aims to deliver better environmental protection and a nature positive Australia. It also aims to speed up decisions and make it easier for companies to do the right thing.

Humane Society International Protecte Areas Report 2014: Conserving Australia’s Threatened Ecosystems
Humane Society International’s review of their work of the last two decades protecting Australia’s precious wildlife habitats wherever significant opportunities arose, and in the process keeping carbon in the ground.

Melbourne Healthy Waterways Strategy
This Healthy Waterways Strategy provides a single framework for addressing community expectations and the obligations for waterway management, as outlined in relevant State, national and international legislation, policy and agreements. It builds on a long-term regional vision for waterway health. For each of the five major catchments within the Port Phillip and Westernport region (Werribee, Maribyrnong, Yarra, Dandenong and Westernport), this Strategy provides detailed, catchment-specific visions, goals, long-term targets (10 to 50 years), and 10-year performance objectives. Effort and investment at catchment and sub-catchment levels are prioritised and aligned to ensure they contribute to broader, regional goals and outcomes.

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Painkalac Resource Repository
Explore the links below to learn about the importance, complexity and wonder of the Painkalac Valley – from the source to the sea:

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