2024 Critical habitat for threatened mamals in Painkalac Valley
Barbara Wilson ad Mark Garkaklis
2024 Mick Loughnan: Painkalac Valley revegetation and rewilding
2023 Aireys Inlet Dune Variations 1947 – 2021
Aerial photos of dunes at mouth of Painkalac Estuary
Coastal surveys
The Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program (VCMP) was established in 2017 with aims to:
- increase our understanding of how coastlines change over time.
- assist with managing coasts in the present.
- provide knowledge to ensure coasts are resilient in the future.
Increasing sea levels and more frequent storm events mean that Victoria’s coastline may be subjected to increasing coastal erosion and inundation. Coastal monitoring is crucial to understanding coastal change and provides an evidentiary basis for sound coastal management and adaptation.
VCMP includes a drone based beach surveying program with public access tools: shows sand movements, heights of sand dunes and coastal erosion.
CoastKit is a data tool for coastal and marine managers and researchers – shows coastal hazards including predicted storm surge effects on infrastructure and land.
2024 Summary Report Fish in the Painkalac Creek and Estuary
2021 Assessment of Victoria’s estuaries using the Index of Estuary Condition: Background and Methods: Summary of fish information and vegetation maps for Corangamite
Note: Fish information not investigated in this report for Painkalac Creek but vegetation mapped.
2020 Patterns of decline of small mammal assemblages in vegetation communities of coastal south-east Australia: identification of habitat refuges
Comparing the current occurrence and abundance of species and communities (2013–18) to those in previous decades across major vegetation communities (heathy woodland, low forest, sand heathland, headland scrub, coastal dunes and estuarine wetland), and identify change characteristics and management priorities.
2018 Painkalac Creek Nature Reserve plant, bird, animal and weed lists combined by Neil Tucker
2018 Approved Conservation Advice (including Listing Advice) for the Assemblages of species associated with open-coast salt-wedge estuaries of western and central Victoria ecological community
Relates to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (s266B)
2017 History of Allen Noble Sanctuary (from AIDA September Newsletter)
2017 Decline of the dasyurid marsupial Antechinus minimus maritimus in south-east Australia: implications for recovery and management under a drying climate
Assessment of long-term changes found that high-density populations of Swamp Antechinus occurred after above-average rainfall, and both low- and high-density populations collapsed after wildfire, after low rainfall, and in fragmented habitat. The species may now be restricted to very small populations in refuges such as coastal dunes, and predicted low rainfall and increased burning frequency pose major threats to the species’ survival. Recovery is unlikely without targeted management, including predator control and protection from inappropriate fire regimes and habitat fragmentation.
2017 The Painkalac Project’s detailed description of the Valley
Painkalac Creek Estuary 2016: An interpreted summary of data
Painkalac Creek Estuary 2015: An interpreted summary of data
Painkalac Creek Estuary 2007-2013: Data analysis and interpretation
2013 Matters of National Environmental Significance: Significant impact guidelines 1.1
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist any person who proposes to take an action to decide whether or not they should submit a referral to the Australian Government Department of the Environment (the Department) for a decision by the Australian Government Environment Minister (the minister) on whether assessment and approval is required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)1. Under the EPBC Act an action will require approval from the minister if the action has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance.
2013 Mellors Swamp Reserve plant, bird and week list by Neil Tucker
2012 Flora, Weed and Bird Lists from Allen Noble Sanctuary
2010 Bird Survey Corangamite Estuaries
During the winter months of 2010, whole estuary bird surveys were conducted of 11 important estuaries within the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority including Painkalac Creek. The purpose of these surveys was to obtain information on the distribution and abundance of birds, focussing on waterbirds and other estuarine specialists, in order to make an assessment of bird use in the context of estuary entrance openings.
2010 Rocky Shores of Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries on the Surf Coast Shire: Values, uses and impacts
Four questions were addressed as part of the current study (which included Eagle Rock Point Marine Sanctuary):
- What are the main habitats, community types and species present within the Marine National Parks (MNP) and Marine Sanctuaries (MSs) areas before declaration?
- How many people visit shores along the study area and what activities do they pursue while there?
- What are the effects of human use on populations of common gastropods and dominant plant cover?
- How can managers assess human impacts and what management options are available for maintaining ecological health of the rocky shores?
2006 Mellors Swamp Nature Reserve flora and fauna study
2005 Vegetation Mapping Report
The Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI) was contracted by the Surf Coast Shire to produce a map (accurate at a scale of 1:10,000) of vegetation in the Painkalac Creek estuary at Aireys inlet, assigning each patch of native vegetation to an Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC). This report provides details of previous studies which have examined the ecology of the Painkalac Creek estuary, and presents the results of mapping carried out during December 2005, using aerial photograph interpretation and on-site examinations.
2004 Sediment and Water Investigation at Allen Noble Sanctuary for Surf Coast Shire
2000 Landscpe Concept Plan Allen Noble Sanctuary
2000 Allen Noble drawing from landscape concept plan including species list
1999 Landscape design brief for Allen Noble Swamp
1999 Vegetation survey Allen Noble Sanctuary
After the 1983 Wildfire: the Anglesea Vegetation Regeneration Project – How it Grew
This is the story of how Angair organised, funded and sustained a 10 year study of the regeneration of vegetation in the Anglesea/Aireys Inlet regions carried out entirely by volunteers and subsequently published in the scientific literature.
1996 Waterbirds on a small estuarine wetland – a six year study
Bird species and numbers on a small estuarine wetland in south-western Victoria were recorded for six years from 1990 to 1995 inclusive. Observations were made by telescope at least once daily and the maximum number of
birds was recorded each half-month. Note was taken of the water level. Some seasonality and a preference for low to medium water levels was shown. This permanent wetland is important for its aesthetic value, as a foraging area
and as a refuge in times of drought.
1990 Painkalac Creek Wetlands and Floodplain Environment Study
An environmental study of the Painkalac Creek floodplain was carried out in late 1989 and 1990. Aspects investigated included geomorphology, soils, hydrology and water quality, flora, fauna, visual landscape, land use, aboriginal heritage values, planning and development issues.
1990 The Effect of Wildfire on Bush Bird Populations in six Victorian Coastal Habitats
In an area severely burned by wildfire on 16 February 1983, a study was carried out at six different sites (including two in the Painkalac Valley) at six monthly intervals from autumn 1994 (14 months post-fire) to spring 1987 (56 months postfire) to record the time taken for birds to re-establish populations. At 26 months post-fire, 84 per cent of the eventual total of 69 species had been recorded. No specific bird lists were available for the six sites, nor were there unburnt areas to act as controls. The danger of fire is most acute for ground-dwelling species restricted in habitat and distribution, such as Rutous Bristlebirds and Southern Emu-wrens. Their numbers declined and their populations were slow to become re-established.
1989 Painkalac Nature Reserve Flora Species List
1987 Regeneration of Heath and Heath Woodland in the North-Eastern Otway Ranges following the wildfire of February 1983
The study on p.50 of this publication
1979 Environmental Plan for Painkalac Creek Catchment
This study of the Painkalac Creek catchment was done for the Aireys Inlet District Association through the Monash University Environmental Science Course. Areas of research included the geology and geomorphology, history, ecology, investigation of the likely environmental effects of the water reticulation scheme, assessment of the existing planning proposals and formulation of recommendations for future studies to enhance understanding of the region and future changes in environmental factors.
1978 Painkalac Creek Dam – A proposal for proclamation prepared for consideration by the Land Conservation Council
This report has been prepared on behalf of the Land Conservation Council, to advise Council members of the state of the catchment, and to recommend proclamation under the Land Conservation Act and the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act. Includes details of the proposed dam, geology, topography, soils, vegetation, climate, land tenure and use, water quality and hazards to the water supply.
1975 AIDA River Environment Study
Eighteen people worked in three groups (land survey group, botanical survey group and land use and town planning group) over two days to collect data for discussion of policies appropriate for the conservation of this important part of the Aireys Inlet environment.
Humane Society International Protecte Areas Report 2014: Conserving Australia’s Threatened Ecosystems
Humane Society International’s review of their work of the last two decades protecting Australia’s precious wildlife habitats wherever significant opportunities arose, and in the process keeping carbon in the ground.